Friday, 28 November 2014


Today we had to summarise our skills of the book that we read for summarising skills.
I learnt to be kind to other people around me
I also learnt to help out and to rescue someone or an animal if they have a emergency.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

¿Cuántos años tienes?

WALT:say how old we are in spanish.
Today we had to type in the ages of these people then put in a picture of 
ourselves and put our age onto it.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

My Coordinate Profile

WALT:use simple coordinates to show position.
Today I have learnt about coordinates.
I also learnt about what you do on a map.

Tricky Time

WALT:use quarter and half to tell the time.
Today we had to make a time that Nikki said.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


WALT:do independent reading.
I chose to do a dictionary our of some of the words in the book SUPER DUPER FLEA..


WALT:do our knowledge attack games then blog them.
Today we had to 2 games but I only played one game.


WALT:time ourselves when we are doing our basic facts.
Today we had to time ourselves while doing our basic facts.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Map Of Tamaki Primary

WALA:grid references.
Today we had to put the coordinates in the right place and the symbols.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Running (STAR SKills)

WALT:do our sspa activities.
Today we had to read a story in order to finish our sspa activity.


WALT:do one independent reading work.
Today I chose to do a bookmark about my story clifford at the circus.


WALT:break down a maths word problem to understand which operation to use.
Today we had to answer the questions using x,-,+ and our dividebides.


WALT:do our basic facts while timing ourselves.
Today we had to time ourselves one time to see what our fastest time was. 


WALT:learn our knowledge attack activities.
Today we had to play some knowledge attack activities but I only played one game.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Sloppy Tiger-Before,During,After Reading

WALT:do our before,during,after reading.
Today we had to read the book the sloppy tiger at the party.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

My Blooms Inquiry Questions

WALT:blooms research statements/questions.


WALT:summarise our reading skills.
Today we had to choose a book for our summarising skills work.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Library Activity

This picture is about Gary taking the book that he wants out of the bookshelf carefully so he will not messy up the bookshelf.

Here is a picture Kenneth and Nemani reading their books carefully and quiet so they won't make any noise to disturb the other people reading.

Here is a picture of Kenneth opening his books carefully so they won't break because if they break we have to pay for it.


WALT:use a compass to show direction.
We made a map of where the family went during the bear hunt.We had to put a compass on our map.
N stands for north.
S stands for south.
W stands for west.
E stands for east.
A compass shows directions.It helps us find our way.

Friday, 14 November 2014












-Pause - Spanish



















-You hear me out, to learn how to say

-These numbers that I learnt all today

-And I will teach you this all right now

-for you to be a pro so give it bow


-it’s so simple so follow me

-and we sing this song to L-O-V-E


-Listen to this and you’ll figure it out
-And It’s all cool , you can’t sing it,I doubt .

-Its so cool you can sing this again

-Because we are in this town of spain

This is by Huriata and Nita

Give feedback and see you ya later

Thank you for listening to our song ya.

Hope you enjoyed : )

See you later.`

Today we had to make a spanish rap.Me and Huriata made a rap that had some rhymes in it.

I Think It Means...Because...

Today we are learning to put in what we think this or that word means and say why we think that.
Today I answered a bunch of words on this google drawing.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Knowledge Attack

WALT:do some knowledge attack games for our maths and blog them.
Today I played 2 games about our knowledge attack.Those games that I played were Island Chase Subtraction and jet ski addition.They helped me with my takeaways and my additions.

What's The Problem

WALT:read each word problem.
Today we had to complete our word problem presentation then blog it.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


        Manaiakalani Film
Today we went to slvia park to the cinemas to watch some of the movies that we made.Here are some links to the movies we liked.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Acrostic Poem

WALT:choose on of the independent activities to do for reading.
Today I chose to make a acrostic poem and to use the book It's For You on sunshine online.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Scavenger Hunt

Internet Scavenger Hunt: Computers

Directions: What do you know about how computers work? Use the information
you find at the Web site provided below to answer the questions on this page.
Write your answers on the lines next to each question.

  1. Which three parts of the computer receive input?Keyboard,mouse and modem?

  1. Which three parts of the computer give output? Monitor(screen) printer and modem.

  1. What does the computer hard disk do? It Holds Long Term Storage

  1. What does DOS stand for? Disk Operating System

  1. What kind of file has a name that ends with .gif?When viewed using a graphics program,  you can see the picture.

  1. In computer language, what does cd\ mean? Compact Disk Or Cross Dresser


WALT:time ourselves doing our basic facts.
My fastest time was 3:23

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Using Quadrilaterals

WALT:identify quadrilaterals.
A quadrilateral is a shape that has 4 sides.
e.g square,rectangle,diamond,trapezium,kite shape and a parallelogram.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

3D Shape Detective

WALT:identify features of 3D shapes.
Success criteria 
I can find real life examples of 3D shapes.
I know what 3D means.
I know what a 'face' is.
I know what a 'edge' is.
I know what a 'vertex' is.
I can identify the face,edge and vertex on any 3D shape.
2D:2D means 2 dimensions (width,height)
3D:3D means three dimensions (width,height and depth)
Face:The line is a flat surface of a shape.
Edge:The line where two faces join/meet.
Vertex:The vertex are the corners/pointy parts.