Friday, 29 July 2016


WALT: find out facts about Peru.

Today me & Irys worked together on our work about Peru. 
We found lots of new facts about Peru.

Thank you for reading!!

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Facts About Melissa Ingram

WALT: find out facts about Melissa Ingram.

Today we had to read an article about Melissa Ingram. Today was also my first time to learn
about Melissa Ingram. I had fun reading about her and what she does and likes. 
Melissa Ingram has a lot of interesting facts about herself that we could
learn about.

Thank you for reading!!

Facts About Rome

WALT: find facts about Rome.

Today I have been searching up facts about Rome. Today was really my first time to learn
about Rome and I was really happy to learn about it because I don't really
know much about Rome. So I found a lot of new and interesting
facts about Rome that got me thinking a lot. I'd really like to 
know more about Rome next time we learn about

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A Poem About My Family

This is poem is about my family and my
life. It talks about what I am and a bit of what I like to do. You'll see 
it all when you read the poem.

Thank you for reading!

My Personal Goals For Term 3

WALT: set personal goals that I will achieve through a growth mindset.

Today I have chosen a few personal goals that I need to achieve at school
and out of school. These goals I need to achieve before the 
end of term 3. I will achieve these goals before
the end of term 3.

Thank you for reading!

My Writing Goals For Term 3

WALT: set our personal goals that I will achieve through a growth mindset.

Today I have been setting up my goals for term 3. For writing I chose some goals 
that I thought that I would need to work on. I chose spelling because 
I know that I need to focus more with 
my spelling because it's not up to the standard.

Thank you for reading!

Maths With Miss Pine

Math with Miss Pine
WALT: Use fractions to solve our problems

Today Miss Pine came to room 9 to teach us about fractions. Ms Pine put us in groups of 4 and gave us a sheet of paper that has our equation. On the sheet of paper had different activities of what children have to do for camp, for the camp activity they had to share out chocolate bars for the snack. For the equation we had to share out the chocolate bars equally to each other in the groups. My group was Irys, Kenneth, Mana, Nooroa & myself. I contributed in solving the problem we were given.

Miss Pine gave each group a problem to solve.
The problem she gave us was: Eight chocolate bars shared equally to 5 children.

Each child gets 1 bar each
Then there's 3 bars left
We cut the 3 bars into fifths
Then each child got 1 fifth each from each

After that altogether each child got 1 ⅗ each
Answer: 8÷5=1 ⅗

My highlight of today's maths was when We finally got the answer.

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

My Maths Goals For Term 2016

WALT: set our maths goals for term 3.

Today our  class has been focusing on setting our goals for term 3.
These are the goals I have chosen to focus on for maths
 this term. 

Thank you for reading!

My Reading Goals For Term 3 2016

WALT: set our reading goals for term 3.

Today our class had to work on the goals that we set up
for term 3. I am setting these goals so I could achieve them before the end of term 3.

I hope you enjoy reading my work!