Friday, 2 December 2016

Black Gold

WALA: The different events happening around the world. 

Today our teacher gave our whole class an article to read and reflect on about. The article that our teacher gave us is called Black Gold and is based on hair extensions. In this text our teacher has given our class an article and we have to read it and then reflect on it with the questions she has given us. I have learnt a lot of new things from this text about what happens in China with hair extensions. In part of this text I read that some men go around China looking for little girls with long hair to cut then they sell it other women who need hair. I found understanding words that I haven't heard before challenging for me because I don't really know what it means and what it is. From this text I enjoyed watching the video about how they cut girl's hair and how they make hair extensions.

Thank you reading please comment on my work!

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